Reflections on the Web Folio

Creating the Web Folio was a good opportunity to look back through all the work I did over the term and assess everything I learned. I was actually surprised at how much content we produced. It did not feel like we did this much throughout the term, but putting it all in one place certainly put it in perspective.

Beyond the opportunity to look back at my work, it also got my brain thinking about the design and content of a future web folio I want to build. Since I am hoping to be an app and web developer, I want to create my own website eventually showcasing my experience and projects.

I have not started this yet as I am still not 100% sure about my career goals and target audience, and I am also waiting to build more of a software portfolio. I am still in the early days of my program and the projects I have to date are quite basic.

Next term I have to start looking into and applying to computer science co-op placements, so I will have to start working on this site soon. Much of the content I wrote today can be a good skeleton for the future site, although much will have to be changed for the context of the jobs I am applying to and the projects I want to showcase.

In fact, I already bought a domain name and hosting service. Now I just need to get started on actually building the site, which I hope to build from scratch as a project in itself, and the content.

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