Email to prospective team members #1

To: Amina-Fatima Moustaqim-Barrette
From: Rodrigo Samayoa

Subject: Forming a technical writing team

Dear Amina,

I am emailing you to ask if you would like to form a writing team for ENGL 301 with me.

I am impressed by your academic and professional experienc, especially considering it is in science. As someone who graduated with an arts degree and has been working in the field of political advocacy for many years, I feel that partnering someone with a STEM background would very much complement my own writing experience.

I am particularly excited by your previous work writing epidemiological analysis to be read by the public and policy makers. I believe I have lots to learn from this experience.

We also seem to have some common experience working in the non-profit sector, which tells me we may have some common interests.

I have attached a copy of my own application letter so you can review my interests and qualifications. You can also find my blog at the following URL:

Rodrigo Samayoa

Eng301 Rodrigo Samayoa Application Letter

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