Is this the end of Blackberry?


A lot has been said lately about RIM’s vast decline – from their $1 billion quarterly loss to their falling stock value. Can Blackberry redeem their reputation, or are they doomed?

According to The Globe and Mail, Blackberry has a large portfolio of patents and intellectual property that could aid in restoring the losses that they have faced. These patents are worth billions of dollars, and selling them could help the company privatize their enterprise.

However, there is a catch: Blackberry’s patents could be considered dated. Keyboard features were omnipresent across all models of Blackberry devices, but technology is constantly evolving as researchers develop new ideas. The greatest example of this is the recent shift from keyboard-oriented devices like Blackberries to touch screen devices like the iPhone. This could present the company with difficulties surrounding the sale of their patents, as the technology could be considered “of the past”.

Will Blackberry survive in an evolving market?  Blackberry is at a point where it can either redefine itself or cease to meaningfully exist. Undoubtedly, selling its patents will help the recovery process. We just need to be aware of how much their intangible assets are really worth.



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