An opinion on Blackberry’s fall (Blog response)

Response to Simon Hua’s post:


I recently read Simon Hua’s post “An opinion on Blackberry’s fall” and would like to offer my perspective. Simon argues that one of the main reasons to blackberry’s downfall was because of the competition it faced from its competitors. To some extent I agree with what Simon says however would like to argue both sides of the story.

Being a huge fan of smartphones, I know that blackberry’s customer base has rapidly decreased; nevertheless I don’t believe it is completely depleted. There are still a good proportion of blackberry users around the world, but comparatively less. In addition, Blackberry’s ownership of patents, trademarks and other intangible assets worth approximately $3 billion, makes Blackberry a survivor in the market. Furthermore with the introduction of the blackberry messenger app (BBM), they could potentially make large sums of money, as it is an efficient way to socialize and connect.

Therefore Simon was spot on about blackberry’s failure being caused by its competitors, however they are nowhere close to a breakdown. I believe that with the invention of its new app, its vast intellectual property and its relatively small customer base, Blackberry might still have a future in the market.



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