Advertisements finally hit Instagram!


In today’s world there isn’t anywhere where ads don’t exist. It has become so common to the public that we feel invulnerable by them; however that hasn’t stopped Instagram from entering the social media advertisement scene.

On November the 6th, it revealed its first advertisement on its news-feed and surprisingly more than 5% of Instagram users actually ‘liked’ the advertisement. Although this photo sharing app was being tactical by first introducing the video feature to beat out its competitors, Vine and then use it to promote video advertisements as these appeal more to its users than ordinary online advertisements.

However the result of introducing ads might frustrate some of their users, they will soon adapt to accept the ads, as did users of Facebook and Instagram. It is most likely not going to affect Instagram at an increasing rate, due to Instagram’s brand image and positioning in the social media market. Its point of difference is real-time photo sharing, which currently no other app on the market offers. This gives them a vast competitive advantage over any rivals that may want to offer such services and thus they should not see a fall in its number of users.


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