Motorola to enter the smartphone industry?

Google Inc.’s. Acquisition of Motorola has not been steady over the pass 18 months and the once-mighty mobile pioneer continues to suffer from falling sales while struggling to find its footing in a market now dominated by Apple Inc. and Samsung. Motorola recently announced its unveiling of the ‘Moto G’, which has all the features of a smartphone as well as being compatible with latest version of Android. But what makes this smartphone so different?

Google Inc. have adopted what they call a ‘Volkswagen strategy”, as Volkswagen was initially designed to offer affordable automobile options. Similarly, Motorola plans to offer the new ‘Moto G’ at a price of $200, cheaper than any smartphone on the market. They aim to provide premium smartphones to people around the world who have never owned a smartphone, simply because it was too expensive.

In addition to being affordable, the new phone will have all the features a regular smartphone would have while also being small and relatively easy to carry. However Motorola is aware of the competition it faces from its other competitors such as Nokia, who also look to penetrate the smartphone industry.


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