Miley Cyrus came in like a Wrecking Ball.. and so did her paycheque.

Miley Cyrus, once a household name for squeaky clean, Disney material, idol to be looked up to, can now be seen “twerking”, and licking sledgehammers on sites such as Youtube 24/7.

Cyrus recently released her music video for her newest single, “Wrecking Ball”, a few weeks ago. Obviously, with Cyrus’ past few stints, controversy seems to follow her everywhere. (i.e. her infamous VMA performance a few weeks back.)

Now, any right minded person would want to stray away from controversy, but Cyrus definitely had more on her mind than “twerking” when she had the idea for the video.

Due to its controversial nature (if you haven’t seen it, you can view it here.), it definitely has generated more buzz about the video, thus increasing the amount of people viewing and listening to the music video, eventually, buying the song. (I mean, we all buy music, right?) Within 24 hours of the release, the video generated 12.3 million hits, and had 100 million hits in 6 days. Within a week of the single’s release, it sold 477,000 downloads, her best to date.

So, controversy is somewhat healthy, as long as there’s a balance. You might end up like Miley Cyrus, getting judged but with the money to back it up, or maybe, a Lindsay Lohan. (Yikes) However, that being said, you won’t be seeing me running around campus naked, licking a sledgehammer and singing to “Wrecking Ball”; disappointing, I know.

How a laptop has evolved from its humble beginnings

Recently, while reading a blog post from digital inspiration ( about the Google Chromebook arriving in India, I realized that the author has many good points on why, or why not, buy a Google Chromebook.

Being one of the best-priced laptops around, at $240 and onwards, they have made their way to Amazon’s best selling laptops list. However, the chromebook only allows you to surf the web only.

One might ask, isn’t that the whole point of a laptop? Well, yes, the internet is a crucial part of a laptop, however, it has grown to be more than that. A laptop has many unique functions than their main purpose, such as Photoshop, talking through apps such as Skype and so on. If a laptop is tied to only being able to use the web, that is not a true experience one can gain from using a laptop.

Sure, the price range is great! If one were in need for an extra laptop due to school and such, the Chromebook is just what you need! But personally, I need a laptop that will be able to do whatever I need it to do efficiently. I would be willing to pay more, to get more of a bang from my buck.