Last day of CreativiTea


I feel so embarrassed about the fact that I can’t participate in this awesome club anymore. I felt so excited and happy  with this club.

Even though It was very short time, I won’t forget them and I’ll desperately miss them.

Jill helped me a lot and invited me to this club, so I think she was a best present in my Vancouver life.

I feel very lucky to meet her. More over, I really enjoy the felting activity at the last activity. because those are closely related to my major feild  connected with the Meterial and fabrication.

CreativiTea – Art Club

One sunday morning  in August, when I went to the church, ministry  introduced new members of the church.

and I appreciate one of them was Jill. she is a custume designer which I want to be in the future.

I barely  took up my courage to say hello to  Jill and introduce me to her. After she heard that I’m a student who study fashion design, she gave me her name card and allow me to email her. so we exchange emails couple of times and share some pictures of each other’s works. and she invited me to the art club that she had made. this  club is named “CreativiTea” It’s the club only for women to play with art , share ideas, have some tea. before we start to make and draw something, we discussed about one topic. The topic of  last sunday was “Fall”. and while we were discussing, we came up with an Idea that  fall is the season of starting point. That was quite  interesting for me beacause mostly Korean think that the season of starting point is spring. beacause Korean schools are started in the spring season. I felt some kind of cultural difference here. Anyway, we decided to write a letter to the person who inspires us to have interest in art for the first time. So using some paper, stamps and paint, I made a card for  my best freind. She and I have simular preference in almost everything so I was stimulated by her when we were in the same class room.

I was very excited while I discussed with people who enjoy art. Also, I  learned a lot by seeing how people do their work with their own creative thinkings. While I was working with my card, Jill told me about her most impressive teacher when she was an university student. She said sometimes she was suggested to  draw things by some tools which are hard to handle so that they can create some kind of shape by accident. and then she said that education helped her to think and draw outside the box. I couldn’t agree more about that. Actually, the unexpected coincidence can be the most impressive segment inside the painting. The unintentional moments always stimulate us  and inspire us because they are unfamiliar to us so help us think something new 🙂


Vancouver Fashion Week

The model ofmy workplace invited me to the Vancouver Fashion Week as a VIP.

I was so glad to be invited and I really enjoyed the show.

Actually, I’ve never heard the information that this show is related to 50th anniversary of diplimatc ties between Korea and Canada.

That’s why I was very suprised about the last show which showed Korean traditional costume. It was interesting experience for me.

However, personally, the previous shows which were created by three designers were little bit diappointing. Patterns of fabric were unique, but creativity of design seemed not enough to support the beauty of fabric. and the intended concept of weird  walking posture with  models was hard to be accepted. Other people sitting next to me did’t like it either. It looked so awkward rather than unique.

Even though I couldn’t satisfy with the whole part of the show, some of them are still impressive enough and It was worth to experience watching fashion show in foreign country.

September 22nd , 2012


Fashion Illustration – Colored pencil

Colored Pencil

Colored pencil is one of the typical tool to draw fashion illustration

This tool has merit of describing detailed parts.

Therefore colored pencil is used partly to decribe delicate part of the clothes such as patterns or small details.

And if you use colored pencil overall, it’s effective to make soft mood.

It takes very long time to complete a work with this tool.

It’s hard to color vividly so we should keep overwrap many colors to draw more realistic picture.


Picture <1> is good example of using colored pencil to decirbe the meterial’s feature in detail.

I select colored pencil to draw the pointy part of the fur meterial.

By using sharp colored pencils, I could draw realistic picture.


Picture <2> is an example of design main point by drawing patterns.

As you can see in this picture, stripe and check pattern is most important point of this style.

So I decribed it with colored pencil to draw delicate pattern.

Wall Painting Volunteer Work “Group of Drawing Love”

I have been working at this volunteer group since I  was 18.  I draw paintings on the wall of welfare center. I am proud of this volunteer work because I can help someone by doing something I really enjoy. Also, I could realize the power of painting through this volunteer work. Many senior citizens who live in a welfare facility found their smile while they were watching the wall painting.

While I was doing wall painting, I  recognized the blind couldn’t watch paintings by meeting with an old man who couldn’t see my painting on the wall. Therefore I decided to do the activity that can be a help for the blind. so I started a book typing volunteer work for the blind as well.

Flat pattern making

This design include many sorts of variation of Flat Pattern Design.

I made this dress only by using flat patterns.

Sleeve is a variation of Laglan Sleeve. I designed it as a one-shoulder to express faminine sensibility.

I also apply concept of torso.  Therefore there is no cutting line on the waistline. By eliminating waisline and make it to be connected, the waistline looks more smooth.

To make a skirt part, I use circular skirt pattern to express full flowing skirt.

I try to emphasize the romantic image with skirt.

As the details, Tuck  is on the center fo the body and I also designed three triangular shapes which are gradually getting bigger, and darker downward.