Archive for October, 2012

Starbucks Makes Evenings Better

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

The largest coffee shop chain in the world, with 19,972 stores in 60 countries and the distinct green and white siren logo of Starbucks, graces workplaces, streets and cars everyday.Traditionally known to sell hot and cold coffee (and coffee-based beverages), along with other snacks and refreshments, the company has taken on a new approach with Starbucks […]

the future of RIM: does it exist ?

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

As the releases of the new iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3 stir up the debate between iPhones and Androids, we ask ourselves: where is the future of RIM headed? In June (2012), Forbes published an article containing their Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, which lists the current lines of smartphones according to “consumer engagement […]

Re: Is a Debt-Free Education Needed? (Sam Dunner)

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Sam’s post regarding the cost of today’s education (particularly in the US) sparked an area of high interest to me – as a university student myself. The astounding amounts by which students (many as young as I) are in debt (due to student loans) are truly unbelievable, especially since in today’s society, there is a […]

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