Re: Is a Debt-Free Education Needed? (Sam Dunner)

by Rosa Jin ~ October 1st, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Sam’s post regarding the cost of today’s education (particularly in the US) sparked an area of high interest to me – as a university student myself. The astounding amounts by which students (many as young as I) are in debt (due to student loans) are truly unbelievable, especially since in today’s society, there is a tremendous importance and preference placed on a post-secondary education. Is it necessary to dig ourselves into these huge holes of monetary incompetence just to have to resort to “quick and easy work immediately after graduation because of the need for income” ? Furthermore, this debt that is plaguing the nation (and then some) is causing a greater and harder to manage problem of a generation of debt-ridden workers who have not much to show for their expensive degrees.

Although many may argue that education is “priceless,” I agree with Business Week’s article (referenced by Dunner), “at what point does it become too much of a good thing?” To what extent do we allow ourselves to give into this notion? Even if it turns out to beĀ “the cause of the next economic crash,” is education still priceless?


Is a Debt-Free Education Needed?


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