the future of RIM: does it exist ?

by Rosa Jin ~ October 7th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

As the releases of the new iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3 stir up the debate between iPhones and Androids, we ask ourselves:
where is the future of RIM headed?

In June (2012), Forbes published an article containing their Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, which lists the current lines of smartphones according to “consumer engagement and corporate profitability.” Blackberry sat below Nokia, LG, and Motorola, at a mere no. 7, while Apple and Samsung lounged comfortably at the top at 1 and 2 (respectively). This was not only is a visual representative of RIM’s (already plummeted and continuously dwindling) appeal to consumers, but was also reflective of RIM’s decrease in sales by 20%, “with its market value down nearly 76% from a year ago.”

However, a recent article by informed me that surprisingly enough, Research in Motion’s continues to grow in consumers (by more than 10% annually). Although this sluggish growth doesn’t compare to the likes of Apple and Samsung, it gives me (Blackberry through and through) hope that the launch of Blackberry 10, with its extra convenient, one-hand features to better access notifications and messages, a new keyboard, as well as OS features that differentiate personal and work actions, means a potential future (in market value, subscriber base, reputation, and profits) for RIM.



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