Archive for November, 2012

The Lack of “Social” Media

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

As mentioned in previous posts, the emergence of corporate social responsibility and sustainability is increasing every day. Entrepreneurs are popping up left, right, centre, with a new product or service which is said to “better your life,” but which of these actually improve our living standards or quality of life? Can those that do all […]

R.E.S.P.E.C.T: Your Elders, Your Peers, Your Environment

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing topic of discussion in today’s world of business, as the global population grows to new heights and endangered icebergs simmer down to new lows. The carbon footprint that each of the world’s seven billion persons leaves is not a matter to be taken lightly – especially by those […]

Groupon Takes a Tumble

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

The online discount site Groupon struggles to find a leg to stand on, as its 3rd quarter reports have investors everywhere shaking their heads in disappointment. Despite being fairly new (public since November 2011), the company’s share price has dwindled down from its peak (in November 2011 as well) to when it closed at $2.76 […]

What Helps Your Startup Stay Up ?

Friday, November 9th, 2012

In today’s society of global communication, constant innovation, and never-ending competition, startups are always popping up right, left, centre; but what makes a startup business successful enough to be more than just a startup, what makes it stay up? This question was triggered by my discovery of my aunt’s own startup: Snapette, a mobile fashion app that […]

Could Storm Season Mean Clear Skies for BC Hydro?

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Since its debut by BC Hydro last year, Smart Meters have sparked quite the heated discussion amongst consumers all around British Columbia. Despite the fact that Smart Meters were first implemented as far back as 2000 in Italy (followed by numerous other countries all over the globe such as the USA, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Spain, […]

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