Archive for October, 2013

Is There a Need to Knead the Need into Consumers?

Friday, October 25th, 2013

As the wave of midterms pass by in a whirlwind of highlighted notes, last-minute cramming, and caffeinated hours spent in coffee shops and university libraries, students everywhere are a little more than ready to wind down at the bar with friends, classmates, and acquaintances alike, over a drink or two. What are the kids drinking […]

What I Like About You

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Recently, Maddi Koop posted “You Are What You ‘Like’” on her blog, a look into data mining using a person’s ‘Likes’ on Facebook, and how consumers can be targeted according to their publicly stated tendencies, interests, and lack of interests. I largely agree with Maddi’s approach to liking or not liking pages on Facebook, and […]

Sweet Dreams are NOT Made of These

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

Boo! If that wasn’t scary enough, maybe the screams of these kids will get you into the Halloween spirit. Earlier this month, Crest released an ad quite contrary to what one might expect from a toothpaste and dental health company. The cleverly designed campaign video provides a comedic take on Halloween, testing out kids’ reactions […]

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