Archive for November, 2013

Envisioning a Coca-Cabana: A Reflection

Friday, November 29th, 2013

The decision to focus on Coca-Cola for a series of marketing projects, although exciting at first, and not a regrettable choice, did come with its fair share of difficulties. The majority of them originated from the fact that the brand is so established and successful. In the first and second assignments, the task of analyzing the […]

Marketing Squared

Friday, November 1st, 2013

A fellow student in my faculty, Kelsey Ingham, published a blogpost on discussing the common, thus ‘necessary’ components of a viral video, on her website. According to Kelsey, there are five factors which increase the odds of “[landing] your brand a viral video”: the promotion by and association with Tastemakers, the opportunity for expansion by […]

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