Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Re: Is a Debt-Free Education Needed? (Sam Dunner)

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Sam’s post regarding the cost of today’s education (particularly in the US) sparked an area of high interest to me – as a university student myself. The astounding amounts by which students (many as young as I) are in debt (due to student loans) are truly unbelievable, especially since in today’s society, there is a […]

Welcome to Canada, Target !

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

What does the arrival of Target mean? Target Corp., the American discount retailer whose red and white logo is recognized all over North America, is preparing for its shiny new launch into Canadian malls, as the existing competition braces for impact. Companies like Winners, Home Outfitters, The Gap, etc. will definitely feel the effects of […]

Wal-Mart Rolls Back 7 Years

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

After dismissing allegations of international bribery for seven years, Wal-Mart is now investigating their own potential violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In 2005, Sergio Cicero Zapata, a former executive of Wal-Mart de Mexico, came forward, confessing to his lengthy contributions in the illegal expansion of his company. Upon notifying one of Wal-Mart’s senior lawyers, […]

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