Workplace for game-changers

Yahoo is a success story- survived the dotcom boom (and the subsequent crash) and was hailed the biggest seller of display ads for years. However, its plummeting stock prices over the last decade reflect exactly how much it has fallen behind online advertising giants like Google or Facebook. Only in the last year has it begun to make a recovery. (Taken from Google Finance)


Claire Can Miller’s article in the New York Times discuss Yahoo’s new HR policies to bring about a change to the declining business. Effectively eliminating at-home workers, Yahoo is centralizing the work force. While this limits the freedom each employee has over designing its workplace or work hours, this could have the benefit of increasing face-to-face communication.

A point to note is how repeatedly employees state that being in their workplace is distracting- unlike the common notion that home offices are distracting because of the likes of household chores. Employees functioning more efficiently independently implies that team working strategies are failing- largely due to the environment and atmosphere.

Bringing the employees back into the office may face some decline in job satisfaction, but is a bold step towards creating a cohesive organization that drives the change in Yahoo for the better.

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