The Apple World?!

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The video had just perfectly shows that Apple has a very strong brand loyalty from consumers. People seemed to be so obsessed with the Apple products for the only one reason: Because it is an “Apple”. In April 2010, the day Apple released the iPad, and had sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days. Then after, the Iphone 4 was released on June 24,2010. It has become a phenomenon that people are with iPad and Iphones in everywhere!

It is visualized that Apple has made a great success on the branding marketing strategy. Also, we can say it had make a great achievement on “make contributions on providing more opportunities”.

After the “birth” of iPad and Iphone4, what rapidly followed by are all kinds of “complementary goods”. Research,development and issued of various Apple application programs by a variety of companies; the Internet server, the utility softwares, are making changes in technology, in order to “fit” in the iPad. Opportunities are not only happened in IT technology, but also in fashions. All kinds of luxury brands are designing gorgeous iPad cases…

This time, Apple had not only capture in consumers taste. Also had make a big influence in the market.

<relative resources>  <Ipad> <Iphone4>

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