Greatest lesson I’ve learned

I’ve learned lots of important lessons from life, but one lesson was self-taught and get out of pressure. My parents have been raising me to be independent my entire life. They have  emphasized the importance of learning to be dependent on no one else for my survival. When I get into the university, I realize that where my true independence began to manifest into reality. All the years of my parents’ teaching were finally becoming something true. Sometimes I realize what is happening when it happens, but I can’t do anything to stop it. So I think the greatest lesson I’ve learned is that this is who I am, and I shouldn’t put too much pressure on myself. In a group of people that I am with frequently, I will confide in one of the group members, and they will help me if necessary. I wish that everyone could stand on their own, provide on their own, and be successful on their own. And although I’ll be the first to admit that I am barely standing on my own right now.Something, to get me to where I want to be in life. Something, to help me grow in ways I never thought were possible. Something, to help me achieve that success I’ve always wanted. And maybe, one day, being able to share my life and success with the person I love the most.

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