I love creativity and innovation. I value originality and experimentation. Perhaps these self-values explain my passion for graphic design.
I was attracted by the blog post “Questions to ask before you design a new logo” on Drew’s Marketing Minute. The term “creative brief” captured my attention. I did a little research on what it means: “a set of guidelines that will help your logo designer in deciding the creative direction of the logo design engagement” (LogoFAQS.com). LogoInn.com’s creative brief includes your company name, a business description (product or service), website address, target audience, colors, preferred image and text style, language, and some additional thoughts.
Our classmate, Clara, has recently launched the first beauty club at UBC. I helped her to design the logo for the club. I did a similar approach of conducting a creative brief before my designing process by asking her for some information about the club:
Club’s name: UBC Beauty Avenue
Club’s mission: To provide members an enjoyable and inspiring experience while they learn and share their knowledge in beauty.
Target audience: People who have a passion in fashion and beauty (Psychographic: self-values) and want to gain knowledge in beauty (Product-related: hoping to benefit from workshops)
With these “cues” in mind, I have designed some logos for her to choose from:
I have designed some logos for my OB (C292) project group. Our group name ZARRIL combines the initials of the group members, so as to depict the strong sense of unity and team spirit.
I have also created a logo for my HR (C391) project group:
I believe an effective logo is a significant marketing tool for brand recognition. I totally agree with Drew that a logo is to “capture the spirit of your organization in a mark”. A unique logo might eventually become a strong and well-known symbol that it creates a position for the brand, in order to distinguish it from its competition.
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