Oh Social Media, you so crazy.

Searching for inspiration for a new blog post I decided to explore the lighter side of social media. Sure social media sites can connect us with our friends, help people collaborate in the workplace, streamline group projects etc…. but where’s the fun in that! I remember when I first signed up for facebook; it was exciting to log it and see what people I barely knew were up to. It served no practical purpose but it was fun! And I like fun!

I feel social media has lost its excitement factor. Maybe it’s because social media is a staple of my academic life but it all just seems far too…. useful. I want random, pointless entertainment!

To quench my thirst for senseless entertainment in the social media realm, I embarked on a quest to find the wackiest social media site I could find. It turns out there is a near endless supply of crazy social media sites (I guess I shouldn’t be surprised… it is the internet) and I thought I would share a couple of my favorites with all you fine people.


Definitely one of my favorites. REMcloud connects people through shared dream experiences. People can post brief descriptions of their dreams and see who has been dreaming about similar things. The site also shows trending dreams and celebrities in dreams. I was disappointed to find out the number one trending dream was about iPhones… When I dream it’s usually about fighting dinosaurs or fixing Winston Churchill’s car… but I guess that’s me…

Line for Heaven

Ever wanted to get into heaven by using a social media site? Well now you can! Line for Heaven allows you to “save your soul and reserve and place in Heaven.” Users earn karma points by interacting with the site and other users and those who earn the most points are “moved closer to God.” It’s unclear how official this site actually is, but it aims to promote religious tolerance and good deeds, which is a noble cause.

There are countless other bizarre social media sites out there, including a dating site for those passionate about mustaches and a site that allows people to donate money for breast implants. It seems as though there is a social networking site for every niche, trend and idea. It just shows how expansive social media has become; it verges on (or emphatically exceeds depending on your point of view) superfluity.

While many of these sites seem pointless, unnecessary or downright offensive, they still serve a purpose. People find enjoyment interacting on these sites. I feel this is the entire point of social networking and can sometimes get lost in all the practicality and usefulness social media tools offer us.




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3 Responses to Oh Social Media, you so crazy.

  1. Social media marketing is one of the key method in order to drive targeted to your website apart from that big brands like,soney ,nokia ,samsung are also making use of social media in order to increase the awarness of their brands……

  2. smkelly

    The REMcloud link isn’t working.

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