Twitter’s IPO, by numbers

Twitter may be the most eagerly awaited market debutante since Facebook, but its initial public offering doesn’t carry the same weight of market expectations.  In some respects, it will be just one of several billion-dollar I.P.O.’s this year. The reason is that Twitter only have 232 million users worldwide which is tiny comparing to the Facebook users worldwide(1.2 billion).  

Surprisingly, Twitter is not profitable in 2013. The revenue which is $422 million dollars is lower than the cost $548 million. However, investors do not care about this and Twitter prepares to feed new hunger for I.P.O.

Twitter is planning to sell its shares at17$ to 20$, less than what many optimistic analysts had expected.  I believe that since companies are more willing to price their offerings slightly lower to ensure that their shares trade well from the start.

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