Issues With Operations

Ouya a gaming console which provides a new platform on which to develop games, experienced a great deal of success as it sold out on Amazon within a few hours. As the launch was mostly successful, there was a slight issue with operations.


Some consumers whoever were not pleased as their consoles have yet to arrive, despite being among early buyers. The CEO, has stated it is a simple error in shipping rather than a supply chain issue. While it was not many customers who were delayed in receiving their console, this delay uncovered a problem with management the company hoped to avoided.

Although this problem was not related to the actual production of the good it is a problem in the overall transformation of an output to input nor did it cause much harm to the company as many focused on the success of sales, it exemplifies the importance of operations.

The CEO had chosen to not have a large span of time for delivery and push the product into the market as fast as possible, and in effect is losing quality service. Operations are essential for business to run successfully.





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