The Value of Inbound Marketing

“My Take on Inbound Marketing”, a blog by entrepreneur Chris Brogan comments on his opinion that inbound marketing has great value. Brogan comments that the greatest aspect of inbound marketing is “earning the right outbound market and directly sell”. He draws examples from Reebok offering shoes only available to those who have completed the Trifecta ( a Spartan race). This along side the many people who post their great experiences of completing these races is all inbound marketing. It is drawing customers to Reebok and the Spartan Races, while they are not necessarily pursuing them.


This blog gained my interest through its use of the word inbound marketing. This was a term new to me, and seeing Brogan mentioning its values lead me wonder,what is inbound marketing? Brogan mentions his personal use of inbound marketing to sell tickets for his webinar. He claims he is able to do so by providing valued material for free, which then results in consumers wanting to see the webinar due to all that positive exposure.

Brogan acknowledges many don’t see the value to inbound marketing as they find it to be too time consuming or too custom.  While I do agree there are some faults to inbound marketing, I think it should be employed as a tool for most businesses.By offering value propositions that create satisfaction companies can expect customers to return as well as spread a good word to draw more consumers. This creates no effort in marketing terms for the business as they are simply employing their business strategy aimed to please customers.

inbound marketing


External Blog:



Branding 101 , Featuring Social Media

Jonah Rudy’s blog, How Music Artists Are Shaking Off Their Old Value Propositions  comments on technological advancement posing as  a threat and opportunity for the music industry. The obvious threat comes from the ability to down load music, which Jonah admits does decrease revenue channels for artists. However Jonah argues that new opportunities have emerged primarily to the internet’s ability to spread awareness at a incredible rate, and allows artists to reach icon statuses.

I agree with Jonah however I also believe this increase of awareness is due to social media.  Artists need to capitalize on using social media to increase fan bases and brand name. Social media is providing artists  low cost  methods to be incredibly accessible to their fans. Those who utilize social media are essentially increasing their marketing and its results play a role in increasing sales for records.

social media

Various Social Media Sites

Social media is especially a benefit to upcoming artists who need to increase their reputations. Unlike pre-existing artists who already have an avid fan base, new artists can be proactive and bring themselves to consumers. This is evident through first hand experience as there have been many times where aspiring artists have used social media to request a follow or favorite of their pages and music. These aspiring artists are using social media to their advantage and attempting to create a brand awareness in means that was simply not available just a few years ago.

lady gaga good

Lady Gaga’s Tweet to Appreciate 18,000,000 Followers




Jonah’s Blog:


Social Enterprises as a Necessity

un blog

United Nations Economic and Social Council

The United Nations has recognized the essential need of social and economic expansion in order for developing countries to advance. While the United Nations has invested a great amount of effort into creating sustainable development, even if they were fully funded the need for social enterprise would still exist.

Social enterprises are created by entrepreneurs who solve issues and create sustainable opportunities to diminish these existing issues. The United Nations follows a similar concept but the tasks are not carried out as directly. The United Nations creates generalist approaches and methods to problems developing nations are facing. Developing nations are given ideas and methods to increase economic efficiency and reduce social problems thus the United Nations efforts help resolve issues at their surface.

While there is undoubtedly a benefit to the United Nation’s actions, problems can arise in sustaining the solutions. This is where the role of social enterprises arises. Social enterprises create a method of sustainable development and focus on specific communities and organizations. Such as seen with the Arc, as it teaches entrepreneurship skills and provides assistance to individuals attempting to succeed in their own business ventures. Their existence alone has ensured several businesses remain running by offering advice to deal with specific problems they are facing. For example Salem Kassahun was advised on how to expand her boutique, Salem’s Ethiopia while maintaining a fair trade operation. Initiatives like this are what ensure the success of economic and social development; where as the United Nations can only provide the basic tools for solving economic and social issues.


Salem’s Ethiopia

salem ehthopia

Salem’s Ethiopia






Sketchers Acting Sketchy

Toms and Bobs from Sketchers provide two similar shoe products. Not only are these products similar in appearance but also with the same social and ethical benefits from purchasing a pair of shoes. Both companies provide the incentive of  giving a pair of shoes for a child in a developing country with each purchase of their shoes.

As commented in Sara Chitsaz’s blog there is much controversy whether Sketchers lacks these so called ethics they are promoting, as Bobs were introduced six years after Toms had been created.  Sara comments Sketchers is in fact lacking ethics, as they produced shoes with a striking resemblance to Toms. She also argues that if Sketchers were truly socially responsible they could have offered to donate shoes with any of their other products. There is no need to only offer this service with shoes that look like Toms.

bobs helping the world  toms one for one

I agree with Sara. Sketchers is clearly not a company focused on social responsibility but more so on capitalizing on profits. This is evident by their exploitation of the Toms design and business strategy. Sketchers had clearly seen the profits Tom’s been generating and modeled shoes that rival the comfort and affordability Toms offers, as well as providing an opportunity to be socially responsible. Sketchers was founded in 1992 and has had 14 years to focus on corporate social responsibility but choose only to do so when it saw the need to match up with the success of its competitors. Overall nothing is ethical about Sketchers, as they are merely another large corporation attempting to create a competitive advantage.




Sara’s Blog:


Greenpeace’s Rule over Lego

Recently Lego has put an end to its partnership with the corporation of Shell. This was the result of Greenpeace launching a campaign exploiting the reckless operating of Shell, in search for Arctic oil. With a powerful video and petition Greenpeace was successful in getting Lego to sever ties with Shell which have lasted for decades.

                      lego shell 1  lego shell

This move on Lego’s part showcases the value Lego places on being seen as a socially corporate responsible firm.  Lego has stated the corporation is “determined to leave a positive impact on society and the planet that children will inherit”.  However Lego’s actions don’t exemplify actual social corporate responsibility.

I believe that Lego is not truly a believer on solving environment issues, nor are they troubled with the possible destruction of the Arctic. Lego has dissociated themselves from Shell based on the negative media attention they were receiving due to the campaigns. This doesn’t make Lego a company concerned in the environment but rather concerned about maximizing profits. This idea relates to Milton Friedman’s theory of a business’s social responsibility is to increase profits. Lego has weighted the options of remaining in a partnership with Shell and has decided the benefits from ending this partnership will prove to be more profitable. The negative backlash most likely outweighs the profits earned from the Shell deal and as a bonus Lego is seen as a corporation concerned by environmental issues and sustainability.

lego shell 3






Value Creation For Consumers

American Express is a company thriving in a difficult industry with strong competitors such as MasterCard and Visa. However American Express plans to provide excellent service to gain trust, loyalty and brand engagement, while others are primarily focusing on technological advancement.

American Express is attempting to form a value proposition which focuses on generating gain creators. This is exemplified by the increase in spending for advertising and “experiences”.  By giving special offers for concerts and restaurant experiences card members feel valued.  Customers relish in having exclusive offers only available to them and are drawn to a company that can provide them with these benefits.  This results with social gains that lead to happier customers who are provided with positive social outcomes.

This coupled with American Express’s ability to connect services directly to their users greatly impacts the customer’s value and trust of the company. The company is recognizing how important customer loyalty is for success. By providing this exceptional service, new customers will be more drawn to American Express because the will be ensured of excellent treatment.  This treatment also ensures that previous customers stick with American Express as they can continue to reap the benefits exclusive to them. This strategy is necessary in a industry filled with tough competitors all vying for the attention of consumers.

         american express adamerican express advertisement





Consideration of the First Nations

We inhabit a land, which I believe is not rightfully ours. Majority of Canadian soil belongs to a variety of different First Nations communities. However as the need for economic growth grows, the value of this land is threatened. Such is seen with the recent plans of BC Hydro to build a mega hydroelectric project worth 8 billion. As it is argued that the region is in need for the clean energy, the inhabitants do not believe it outweighs the environmental harm caused by this development.

first nations blog

Planned Map Proposal of Site C

A cooperation like BC Hydro is unable to set forth creating large projects without considering the effects of the external environment. This comes mainly from the First Nations whom hold great importance in land and traditional practices and do not wish those to be destroyed.  This greatly limits BC Hydro’s projects for increasing hydroelectricity.  As they wish to build more dams and structures which results in more land being threatened and thus more First Nations rightfully standing up for such land. BC Hydro needs to put more thought on the external environment factors when planning new projects, as planning to build a damn on traditional land will surely be refuted.  These factors must be considered as BC Hydro is required to meet an amount of energy output and projects such as this would have helped them reach future output goals.

peace river

Peace River, British Columbia





Issues With Operations

Ouya a gaming console which provides a new platform on which to develop games, experienced a great deal of success as it sold out on Amazon within a few hours. As the launch was mostly successful, there was a slight issue with operations.


Some consumers whoever were not pleased as their consoles have yet to arrive, despite being among early buyers. The CEO, has stated it is a simple error in shipping rather than a supply chain issue. While it was not many customers who were delayed in receiving their console, this delay uncovered a problem with management the company hoped to avoided.

Although this problem was not related to the actual production of the good it is a problem in the overall transformation of an output to input nor did it cause much harm to the company as many focused on the success of sales, it exemplifies the importance of operations.

The CEO had chosen to not have a large span of time for delivery and push the product into the market as fast as possible, and in effect is losing quality service. Operations are essential for business to run successfully.





McCain’s Shift in Marketing

mccain logo

As healthy eating trends, there naturally is a decline the demand of frozen food. This and a new shift in the demographic has McCain shifting marketing methods in order to tackle these threat to sales.

McCain is know to have a large customer segment of families, as they normally advertise the convenience of cooking frozen, but unhealthier meals. While such food is no longer highly demanded McCain is shifting customer segments to modern families of less members, and adding a value proposition of healthier products.

McCain’s vice president of marketing quotes this new marketing campaign as an “evolution”.  This seems to be McCain’s attempt of a transient advantage. It is focusing on the wants of the consumers in order to gain a competitive advantage. This is the right strategy as remaining stagnant with it’s marketing will be detrimental to McCain’s sales. Many companies who have lasted as long as McCain tend to focus on sticking to their traditional customer segment and products. However as new products can be created which could be preferred by the consumers, this strategy can lead a company to bankruptcy. McCain although not fully abandoning its traditional companies, the addition of this new customer segment and value proposition will hopefully create the “evolution” they are looking for.

mccain foods





Apple’s Superior Strategy

Breaking through a market and being a product of originality does not unfortunately always give you an advantage over products. Many businesses’s don’t create a new original product, but greatly improve a product into something better. This business strategy is effective for many companies as it allows for the innovation of products and tailoring it to the response of consumers. This is seen constantly in the fast food industry where a company creates a product that consumers enjoy, other franchises will create products with similar tastes but minor alterations, for example Wendy released the Frosty after the success of McFlurries.

While this strategy has its disadvantages with the aspect of positioning. These succeeding products tend to come as second thoughts in the consumer’s mind. However this weakness can be easily diminished it the brand is highly valued. If a good brand that consumers are familiar with, is innovative rather than original this business strategy will prove to be successful.

A great example of this is Apple. Recently Apple released their new Iphone 6 and 6 plus, with sizing similar to Samsung’s products. This trend also follows Apple with their release of the Ipad. While it was not the first tablet released, it leads tablet sales. This is the basis of Apple’s business strategy, and it proves to be one that’s working. Why be the first, when you could take similar ideas and reinvent the products to create products of higher quality.





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