Who knew shooting and editing a video could be so fun! This term, the last part of our final project entailed a short seven minute video discussing our analysis and recommendations for the powerhouse clothing company Zara. The video project was given rather than an in class presentation. Personally, I was against the idea at first until actually sitting down and starting to film the video.
Our group bonded so much over the day of filming, from laughing because of the hundreds of screw ups, to crying when we realized we missed shooting a huge portion of our video. I feel as though the bonding experience between our group was far more than could of come from preparing for an in class presentation. Rather than going through the routine of practising and memorizing our scripts, we were given an actual opportunity to show off more of our creative side in a video.
Continually, not only was the filming a blast, but I feel as though we all learned a whole bunch of new skills through trying to figure out how to edit the video. Sure, it was frustrating at times but when the final product was finally completed the joy and sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. It was a great Way to end a great semester!
Edit: Reflection/feedback: I viewed getting feedback and constructive criticism from my fellow peers to be extremely useful and through provoking. A lot of their feedback where on things I did not even think about, and they really gave me a chance to reflect on our overall video project. I will definitely internalize a lot of the suggestions made and implement them in future projects. Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond and this process should definitely be repeated to future comm 296 classes!
link to our video :