Walking into a store like Walmart and seeing the vast array of products you can choose from, its often easy to take for granted the amount of work, organization, and communication it took for these products to be where they are. Learning about supply chain management in my marketing class really gave me a new appreciation for huge organizations that have hundreds of products stocking their shelves because no one really does see what goes on in the background.
Digging a little more deeply into supply chain, today I wanted to focus on Walmart, and their approach to be more environmentally sustainable in their supply chain. Walmart has just recently added a new transportation truck known as the “Supercube.” This new truck has an over 30% increase in storage space that will allow for more efficient transportation of goods. Continuing along, Walmart has also reported an increase in use of Sustainability index(SI). Advertising that more than 60-70% of its products sold in the united states will be used from companies that use the SI. Mike Duke, Walmart’s president and CEO wants to improve sustainability in communities of China, making its supply chain more efficient and decreasing the amount of energy used in doing so.
Through these changes it is evident that Walmart is taking a step in the future in both its supply chain, and as well as trying to make this world a better place to live through their changes in sustainability. Walmart being a corporate leader has taken a few steps forward for humanity, let us hope that companies look towards Walmart’s example and follow in their footsteps.