
Flight Path

Returning to my flight path from the beginning of the course I think I have achieved many of the goals I set for myself.  To begin with, I wanted to become more proficient at evaluating technology. Both Bates and Pooles (2003) SECTIONS model and Chickering and Gamson’s (1987) Seven Principles were both extremely valuable piece of literature that I learned to put in to practice both in this course and at the Google Summit.  They taught me how to have a critical eye and what to focus on.  I believe these will be documents that I will continue to use as a I move forward on the technology team in my district.

I was keen to learn how to use an LMS as an instructor.  Our Moodle assignment was paramount to this learning objective.  While extremely frustrating at times, it proved to be one of the best learning experiences I have had in the MET program.  I learned a lot about myself, what I am capable of and what frustrates me, and the time commitment it takes to develop and online course website.  Interestingly enough, course content creation was not the time consumer I believed it would be. It is was the access and formatting issues that gave me the most trouble and cost me the most time. I was truly surprised how what I believed would be a simple task ended up causing me hours of frustration.  I feel I am better equipped to move forward, to explore and evaluate other Learning Management Systems.

eLearning Toolkit

The eLearning toolkit activity was great exposure to a Kaleidoscope of technologies all in one place.  I was disappointed that I had not been made aware of it earlier on in my MET trajectory. There is an abundance of resources I will spend more time exploring after ETEC 565 ends.  The toolkit activity taught me a lot about my values as an educator by noticing which tools I was drawn.  As I prepare to start ETEC 590 and create an eportfolio for my MET experience, I can see myself returning to the toolkit and learning from the examples of what to do, and what not to do, stored there. I hope to have continued access to this resource even after my MET courses conclude.

Overall Experience

I must admit that I was both excited and intimidated by the ETEC 565 course description. As with many learning opportunities, I had the desires to learn and broaden my horizons, but there was the fear that I had embarked on something that was beyond my ability or grasp. I am pleased to say that I was challenged but within my zone of proximal development.  ETEC 565 has been an extremely valuable experience for me. It has improved my confidence in course design, educational tools and web design.  More importantly it has improved my confidence in myself, my ability to construct new knowledge and collaborative with others to reach new goals.  This course has been the most useful thus far in the MET program.

Next Steps

I have already begun the next step in my professional and learning development.  I have begun developing a Google+ community for CISPG district. The goal is to create a community of professional learners by connecting staff from all over northern B.C.   I will act as the tech coach for my school and provide some basic tutorials and support to assist our teachers to become active within the community.  It is our hope that, as teachers begin to network, they will learn more about the technology they are using and leverage that learning in their classrooms it the future.  Basically, the more they use Google Apps for their own purposes (i.e.: sharing lessons, units, connecting with teachers of the same grade level in different communities) they more knowledge and confidence they will bring to the classroom when the time comes to integrate Chrome books or laptops in to their teaching practice.

I want to look in to redesigning my class website.  It was a very simple pilot effort when I set it up 6 years ago and I believe it is time for a facelift.  Now that I have more experience and knowledge of design, I think there is a lot more that can be done with it.  I also want to spend more time looking in to Google as an LMS.  Cost is a major factor for my small school and, after attending the Summit in Edmonton, my eyes are wide open with the potential of GAFE. I want to increase my knowledge and usage of these Apps and, to this end, may look in to the Google Certified Teacher process.

Life Long Learning

Community, as I have mentioned repeatedly throughout my ETEC 565 experience, has been my saviour and achievements would not have been possible without my learning community.  This is a large, contributing factor to my desire and drive to set up the CISPG Teachers community on Google+.  Everyone should have a learning community to turn to for support and advice.  One of the greatest things the MET program has taught me is that no one can learn and maximize potential in isolation.  Collaboration is not optional anymore; it is a necessity and a right.  I have a duty to share my experience and what I have learned so that more students can benefit.



Bates, A.W. & Poole, G. (2003). Chapter 4: a Framework for Selecting and Using Technology. In Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success. (pp. 77-105). San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers.

Berk, R.  (2011). Presentation at the 26th annual ES Conference.  No Teacher Left Behind: Teaching Strategies for the Net Generation, pp. 77-90 Unpublished manuscript.

Caron & Brennaman. (2010)  Symbiosis:Co-Evolution of Emerging Technology, Learning Theory, and Instructional Design.  Retrieved July 2012 from

Chickering, A.W. & Ehrmann, S.C. (1996).  Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6.

Chickering, A.W. & Gamson, Z.F. (1987).  Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.  American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 39 (7), 3-7.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5). Retrieved January 19, 2014, from,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf




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