

Hello! I, Ruhani Grewal, welcome you to my Web Folio that has been created to highlight the skills, achievements and experiences that I have garnered in English 301, throughout my undergraduate degree, and while participating in extracurricular activities. Together, these skills demonstrate my eligibility to attain a research assistant position as a biochemist in an academic lab.

The contents of my Web Folio include the following pages which can be found on the top toolbar:

  • Biography – brief introduction to myself and future ambitions
  • ENGL 301 – highlights the purpose and curriculum of UBC English 301
  • Application Package – resume, cover letter, job advertisement, and request for letters of reference for a research assistant position
  • Online Resume – searchable resume that highlights relevant skills
  • Best Work – highlights the purpose and success of each assignment in ENGL 301
  • Blogs – reflections of the course of each unit in ENGL 301
  • LinkedIn Profile – methods to connect

Please feel free to explore and browse my Web Folio. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at ruhanigrewal@hotmail.com.

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