Unit Three – Reflection on Formal Report


In unit 3, the goal was to practice writing strategies and to create the first draft of the formal report. The title of my formal report is, “Construction of Canada Post at Mennonite Benevolent Society, Abbotsford BC.” I began the report by conducting important research via one-on-one interviews and surveys with the residents and staff of Mennoplace. The process of collecting primary research was not challenging because most residents know me well and anyone available was willing to participate. However, obtaining secondary research proved to be a challenge. After hours of research online, I managed to find some information regarding the procedure of opening a Canada Post outlet in an authorized location. Once all of my data was collected, it was time to begin organizing the draft. I decided that the best method of layout in the ‘results and discussion’ section was according to my survey questions. This helped to keep my report focused and structured. In terms of writing the draft, the incorporation of ‘you-attitude’ was difficult for me. I had never written a report in ‘you-attitude’ tone before, hence the process was different.

After the completion of the draft, it was time for peer review. The process of peer review was an informative and knowledgeable experience. I learned how to incorporate ‘you-attitude’ into my report in an efficient manner after reviewing Parynaz Adamy’s draft. She had done an excellent job at reflecting ‘you-attitude’ toward the identified reader. In addition, I learned that I need to develop my introduction more thoroughly for my reader. Mainly, the ‘purpose of study’ section needs a better transition and explanation. Overall, the method of writing the formal report draft was a unique experience and I look forward to making revisions.

Attached: Final Formal Report

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