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Over the course of English 301 at UBC, I completed several writing assignments, each providing us with guidelines and necessary training for various aspects of professional writing. Below are selected assignments that showcase my technical writing skills.

The Definitions Assignment
Formal Report Proposal
The Complaint Letter
Peer Review



Definitions play an important role in technical writing because most occupations often have their own vocabulary. As a writer, we need to appreciate our audience and present the technical term with the right level of detail. In the definitions assignment, we had to select a technical term from our disciplinary and write three different definitions. I chose to define a metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria. Although phenylketonuria requires in-depth knowledge to understand, I managed to define the term in a simple language that is understandable for my chosen audience: high school students or non-science student.

PDF: Definitions Assignment


From my discipline of biochemistry, I have chosen to define a rare disease known as phenylketonuria (PKU). Three types of definitions for PKU will be given to a group of grade 12 biology students who are just beginning to learn about the biochemical processes in our body. The definition of phenylketonuria will be given in a parenthetical, sentence and expanded form. These different techniques of explanation will describe the importance of definitions in technical writing for a certain audience. In addition, this assignment will allow for the differentiation between the levels of detail in definition.

Parenthetical Definition:

The baby was diagnosed with phenylketonuria (inability to breakdown excess phenylalanine from food) after 5 days of birth, therefore his diet had to be changed.

Sentence Definition:

Phenylketonuria is an inherited genetic disorder in which the body is unable to breakdown part of a protein called phenylalanine.

Extended Definition:

What is Phenylketonuria?

Phenylketonuria (commonly known as PKU) is a rare metabolic disorder that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body. Phenylalanine is a building block of proteins that is obtained through the diet. It is found in all kinds of dietary protein and in some sweeteners such as Nutrasweet.

How does phenylketonuria affect metabolism?

Phenylketonuria is caused by a mutation that leads to the deficiency in the enzyme phenylalanine hydrolase (PAH). This enzyme converts phenylalanine to other essential compounds in the body, mainly tyrosine. Tyrosine is an essential amino acid that is the building block for several important brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. But without PAH enzyme (as shown in Figure 1), tyrosine cannot be produced in PKU patients through the breakdown on phenylalanine.

Phenylalanine hydrolase deficiency can cause classic phenylketonuria (PKU) and mild hyperphenylalaninemia (mild HPA) which is a less severe accumulation of phenylalanine. Patients with mild HPA have a somewhat functional PAH enzyme and can tolerate larger amounts of phenylalanine in their diet than those with classic PKU.


FIGURE 1. Comparison of a Person with PKU to a Normal Person.

Source: Minjung K. “Newborn Screening.” Tangient LLC, 2015.

What are the symptoms of phenylketonuria?

The symptoms of phenylketonuria appear in infants when they are a few days old. These children develop permanent mental disability. Seizures, slow development and behavioural problems are also common. In addition, children tend to have light skin and hair than unaffected family members and are susceptible to skin disorders such as eczema.

What are the treatments for phenylketonuria?

Phenylketonuria is not curable. However, if phenylketonuria is diagnosed early enough, an affected newborn can grow up with normal brain development by managing and controlling phenylalanine levels through diet, or a combination of diet and medication. People need to follow a low-phenylalanine diet and avoid high-protein foods such as eggs, meats, and cheese as shown in Figure 1.

Works Cited

  1. Sameer Patel. Phenylketonuria. U.S National Library of Medicine, 9 June 2013. Web. 26 May 2015. <>
  2. John Pope and Thomas M. Bailey. Phenylketonuria. Government of Alberta, 9 Sept. 2014. Web. 26 May 2015. < >
  3. R. Williams and C. Mamotte. Phenylketonuria: An Inborn Error of Phenylalanine Metabolism, Feb. 2008. Web. 26 May 2015. <>



In the professional world, any recommendation of an action to a problem requires a proposal. The purpose of this assignment was to investigate and analyze an inefficiency or deficiency in a public setting. This proposal was part of a term long formal report that taught us how to address and approach professionals or citizens for data collection and technical writing. I chose to address a deficiency in a senior home where I volunteer. Throughout the process of this project, I learned how to write in a direct, clear and concise manner.

PDF: Formal Report Proposal

To: Pearl Nucich, Executive Manager at Mennonite Benevolent Society
From: Ruhani Grewal
Date: June 3, 2015
Subject: Proposal for Allowing Easy Access to a Canada Post Office for Residents of Mennonite Benevolent Society, Abbotsford


Motivated by concern for the elderly, the Mennonite Benevolent Society (MBS) was established in 1953 in Abbotsford, BC to provide housing and long-term healthcare for seniors. Since that time, generous donations from Society members and financial support from government have all contributed to ongoing development.

The Mennonite Benevolent Society campus includes Menno Hospital and Menno Home. The campus includes various facilities, such as a café, Chapel, pharmacy, grocery store, and hair salon to service all residents at their convenience.

Statement of Problem

The inaccessibility of a post office on site at Mennonite Benevolent Society has resulted in inconvenience for residents. Although most basic day-to-day facilitates are present on campus, the lack of a Canada post office requires residents to either seek for assistance from others or travel to the nearest post office. The assistance of others does not provide a confidential experience and travelling is not feasible for those who are incapable of leaving campus.

Proposed Solution

One possible solution to the problem is to build a post office on campus at Mennonite Benevolent Society. The post office can be built at a central location, possibly in the Menno Hospital portion of the society. This will ensure easy access to all residents living in either the home or the hospital.


To assess the feasibility of building a Canada post office at Menno Place, I plan to follow five areas of inquiry:

  1. Where do residents of Mennonite Benevolent Society currently go for post office services?
  2. How large is the demand for post office services? – Do we have a majority in favour of the service?
  3. What is the procedure of opening an authorized Canada Post office?
  4. What does it cost to build a post office?
  5. Does the society have sufficient funds do build a post office?


My primary data sources will include a consultation with Diane Urquhart, Recreation and Volunteer Manager, to determine the current situation with post office services. Also, I will conduct a survey with the residents in order to determine their demand of a post office on site.

Secondary resources will include research from online sources in order to determine the procedure and cost of building a Canada Post office.

My Qualifications

I have been a regular volunteer at Menno Hospital for eight years. I interact with residents during one-on-one visits, daily group activities and on special organized events, such as picnics at the lake. Currently, I am a team leader and a cashier at Fireside Treasures gift shop. Throughout this course of interaction with the residents, I have come to understand their needs and concerns while living at Mennonite Benevolent Society.


Ultimately, a decision is required to better assist the residents with their post office needs. By addressing the five areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I can determine the possibility of constructing a Canada Post office on site at Mennonite Benevolent Society. With your approval I will begin research immediately.



Dissatisfaction or frustration are common in our lives. However, we need to handle the situation with the ‘right-attitude’ and tone. The central goal of this assignment was to practice effective business writing strategies. This complaint letter demonstrates my ability to express dissatisfaction with a service in a professional and optimistic tone.

PDF: Complaint Letter

Ruhani Grewal
33693 Andrews Place
Abbotsford, B.C. V2G 7G4
June 24, 2015

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
6301 Fitch Path
New Albany, OH 43054

Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently purchased two fashion tops from your online website on June 3, 2015 in Canada. Both of the tops did not fit as expected and therefore, I went to return or exchange the items at the nearest location in Bellingham, WA. Even though the tops were unworn with all original tags attached, the manager still refused to return the items as I had bought them on the Canadian Abercrombie and Fitch website. I was told to return the products in a retail store in Canada, but the closest one is in Toronto ON, over 4300 kilometers away.

Over the years, I have bought many items from your retail store and have always been pleased. This was my first experience of online shopping with your company and I am disappointed with the return/exchange policy. Thus, I would like a refund of $50.70 on the two fashion tops.

Please let me know how I can obtain my refund. I would appreciate to hear back from you with a full resolution to this issue by 30th July 2015 at the very latest.

Yours faithfully,


Ruhani Grewal



The process of peer review is an integral part of scholarly research. Peer reviews are designed to provide constructive feedback to a fellow colleague to help them make an informed decision. Excellent peer reviews pin-point the strengths and weaknesses, and offer a piece of advice for improvement in a friendly manner. Throughout ENGL 301, I have written multiple peer reviews within my writing team. I greatly value the process of peer reviews because I learn new techniques and ideas from others which help to improve my own work.

PDF: Peer Review

Tanis, I have reviewed your memorandum of advice to Evan Crisp on best practices in writing an e-mail to a professor seeking to be added to a full course. You have done a great job at providing effective guidelines for Evan Crisp to follow when writing an e-mail to a professional. I would like to offer the following suggestions and compliments:

Writing Style

The brief introduction given before the list of tips was excellent! The description was not only empathic towards Evan Crisp’s situation, it also demonstrated the importance of communication via e-mails. In addition, the list of suggestions you presented to Evan Crisp was very descriptive and informative. It was wonderful to see that you were consistent, in terms of explanations, as to why each suggestion is important.


Although your introduction of the tips was relative to the scenario, I, however, failed to see the ‘you-attitude’ voice. For instance, in the second last sentence of your introduction, you could have written, “Since most communication outside the classroom occurs via e-mail, it is imperative that you communicate with your professors in an efficient and professional manner.” This revised sentence demonstrates you-attitude toward Evan in the memorandum. Overall, your voice and tone was friendly and optimistic.


The memorandum was well organized and easy to read without any notable grammar mistakes. One section that I would suggest re-formatting is your conclusion. Starting with “I hope…” for two consecutive sentences seems quite repetitive. I suggest to alter the first sentence in the conclusion as following: “The suggestions above will help you in future e-mail communications, whether with professors or with other authoritative persons.”

In general, the memorandum that you have created for Evan Crisp about effective e-mail construction displays you-attitude in the seven tips listed. However, you-attitude can be shown in the introduction of the memorandum. I hope you find my feedback to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at

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