

Hi there! My name is Ruhani Grewal and I am currently a 4th year science student majoring in Biochemistry. In the next year, I hope on attending medical school to pursue my dream of becoming a Family Physician. Before leaving for medical school, I would like to work in a biochemical research lab to gain first-hand experience in the field of proteomics. This experience will enhance my knowledge on the current research that is being conducted and it will help me become a well-rounded doctor.

From a young age, I was always fascinated by the work that doctors do. I remember strapping my younger brother on his high chair and tying a ribbon on his arm and then applying some water with a cotton on his forearm in order to do a ‘blood test’. Now, I enjoy volunteering at a hospital for seniors in Abbotsford, where I grew up. Its been about 8 years since I’ve been volunteering there and I enjoy it very much!

After medical school, I would like to work at a medical camp with Red Cross in a underprivileged country for a while. I want to gain some experience about living in different conditions than we’re accustomed to. Moreover, I want to help those who are unfortunate to live a blessed life like ours. In addition to working, I want to travel and explore as much of the world as possible. Eventually, I would like to retire somewhere in Europe because it is my dream place to live in! Besides my professional and academic pursuits, I enjoy spending time with my dog, family and friends. I love to travel and experience different cultures, and above all, I love shopping!


One Comment

  1. Hello Ruhani,
    Welcome to our course of studies, it is good to meet you and learn about your ambitions. I hope you enjoy our course of studies together and I look forward to working with you. Enjoy, Erika

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