Will Chinese One Child Change Police Avert Demographic Collapse? (Comment on public blog)


China’s Communist Party announced an new practice on Nov. 15th, 2013, which may have the probability of changing the lifestyle of Chinese family. The new announcement states that a couple can have their second child only if one of them is the only child in his or her family. This new announcement is predicted as an open door to the future relaxation on the child policy in China.

The poster of the linked blog may hold the perspective that this new policy will not be able to help China avert the demographic collapse. However, I think this policy has the ability to change the future structure of Chinese working market as well as solve the aging issue. One-child policy gradually decreases the future working forces in China and the aging issue is aggravated simultaneously due to the departure of the only young working force in the family.

What is more important is that alongside the relaxation on child policy in China, the improvement of infant education and implementing guarantee in pension system should also be taken into account.

Link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2013/11/17/chinas-one-child-change-doesnt-avert-demographic-collapse/

A video of CNN’s reporting:


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