Unit 4 Reflection: Web Folio Process

The process of building the Web Folio was satisfying as I was able to compile several of the previous assignments and like Lego, “build” my brand and online presence. I started by replacing my beloved Calvin and Hobbes background to more technology focused background. In addition, I updated all my blog posts with visuals, customized titles, and revised them to ensure that they’re grammatically correct. The objective of my online resume page was also updated to portray my interest in the field of health care informatics. Although it’s a bit early for me to apply to any health care informatics job positions as I’ve only completed three computer science courses so far, I wanted to portray my Web-Folio in a more formal and comprehensive manner. I decided to incorporate my biography in the home page to avoid clutter in the menu and present my Web-Folio more concisely.

After the design process, I compiled the revised definition assignment, formal report proposal, complaint letter, and one of my peer reviews. The revision process was made much easier as I could go back and read some of peer reviews my Professional Banters teammates wrote for me. The experience was also quite satisfying to see my progress throughout the course. The short summarizations allowed me to revisit the purpose of each assignment and made me realize how much I’ve learned and accomplished. I believe that my best work definitely portrays my technical writing abilities well and this Web-Folio served as a great learning experience in terms of learning the WordPress Platform and highlighting relevant skills for potential employers to see in this digital age.

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