
Welcome to my Web-Folio!

The purpose of this Web-Folio is to highlight my relevant marketable skills for my future career aspiration working in the field of health informatics, a multidisciplinary field that uses information technology to improve health care.

The Web-Folio is navigated by the menu above, showcasing pages that includes my online resume, Application Package pdf file, reflective blog posts,  excerpts of my best work, and a hyperlink to my LinkedIn profile.

Please contact me at lin.ruth@hotmail.com if you have any questions or comments regarding my Web-Folio.


IMG_1817I’m Ruth, currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) program, studying towards a second degree in computer science. I previously graduated last May 2014 with a degree in general biology, but decided to integrate an additional computer science degree as I’m interested in the field of bioinformatics. I find it fascinating how computer systems can process large complex biological data like genomes and more. As a result, I’m currently supplementing my computer science core courses with additional genetic and biology courses I didn’t take in my last degree.

During my spare time I also volunteer as a business educator at Junior Achievement, a non-profit organization aimed at bringing business professionals or students in universities to youth classrooms to teach basic business lessons. I highly recommend anyone interested in improving their public speaking skills to volunteer there as you have the opportunity to speak independently and present to a classroom of students for around an hour per week over the course of five weeks. It’s great practice and community engagement as students are able to learn about basic business concepts earlier on and integrate some of their entrepreneurial mindset through designing a product and selling it. For instance, one of the classes I taught developed a “Funcil”, a pencil with Christmas designs attached to the eraser tip, raised over $320 in less than 10 minutes to purchase school supplies for underprivileged children in rural China.


From July 2014 to this January 2015 I also worked as a returns and exchanges coworker at IKEA. It was highly rewarding experience working in such a high paced, collaborative, and positive environment where everyone is incredibly friendly, clever, and humorous. I hope that in my co-op work placement next fall I’ll get an opportunity to work in an amazing and positive environment again.


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