Posted by: | 15th Sep, 2010

Where do our donations go?

Image taken from, September 15th, 2010

Main facts: Efron, Sara. “Which charities spend the most on administration?.” MoneySense Dec/Jan 2010: Web. 15 Sep 2010. <

Canadians are very generous with their money, donating hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the many charitable organizations we have. Many people, (including myself) did not know that a large amount of these donations are going to administration costs; costs such as executive salaries, company vehicles, and advertising campaigns. Some charities in Canada have administration costs as high as amounts between 40 and 50% of total donations, most of these being the big name charities.

I believe that this is unethical and immoral! When people donate their money to popular charities such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation, or the Canadian Cancer Society, they believe that the donation they give will go directly to research or patients. People see the “brand name charities” and believe since they are popular, they must be reliable. The companies should publicize that these amounts are going to administration fees, or lower them all together! Many worldwide organizations such as UNICEF or World vision try and keep their administration fees from 5-15%, even the Canadian counterparts of these organizations “need” more administration money than their international overseer. Our government needs to address this issue, so that more is done with our donated money!

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