
Brand Positioning within the Canadian Entertainment Industry

Brand Positioning within the Canadian Entertainment Industry by Ryan Crosschild

The Canadian entertainment industry faces a huge obstacle with trying to hold on to viewers. Chief executive officer of Quebecor Inc. has warned the industry that in order to stay relevant to viewers branching out to foreign platforms and across markets is needed.

The recent changes in the distribution of TV have been the main culprit to TV networks. Web-based providers are taking over the global scene of TV, with the release of TV-channels of Youtube more people are turning to these alternatives.

These changes are huge threats to the entertainment industry; threatening jobs and Canadian content in the media. It’s hard to capture people’s interest with content that does not appeal to viewers. Brand positioning for Canadian content needs to be reviewed if the industry is to remain relevant; if people are turning away from television programs it signifies something about the quality. Businesses need to be cautious with the huge transformations in technology, globalization is becoming more intrinsic into societies day-to-day business. Consumer behavior is at the helm of determining the future of Canadian TV networks. Why should anyone care about preserving Canadian TV? This is a necessary question to be answered.


Story written by Ryan Crosschild


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