
Expansion and No Consultation

Expansion and No Consultation by Ryan Crosschild

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation from northern Alberta has challenged Royal Dutch Shell over a constitutional infringement. The company has proposed the expansion of its already established Jackpine oil sands mine, the First Nations band has claimed that a violation has occurred because the band was not consulted before approval was giving to proceed. Consultation would be in the form of a federal/provincial panel consulting the community; however, with regards to ethics and good business, I believe that Shell had an obligation to consult the band head on, rather than rely on the federal/provincial panel. It only makes sense to consult stakeholders directly. When a business does this it demonstrates something more than just a business plan, it signifies trust, which is ultimately the largest component in making any business decision effective for future generations. This kind of a business deal would be affecting many people for many generations to come, consulting stakeholders head on is necessary to establish a good working relationship and to reduce further tension. In my opinion direct communication is needed to ensure the best possible outcomes.


Story written by Ryan Crosschild


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