
Response to: Canada Government “to cut red tape for small business”

Response to: Canada Government “to cut red tape by Ryan Crosschild

I read Peter Nieuwenburg’s blog on “cutting the red tape for small business” and I have the same position on reducing government regulations on small business. The barriers to entry for small businesses are hard to overcome, yet they hold great potential for economic growth and innovation startup if obtainable.

The overall goal of economic growth can be achieved through investments made into areas of vast potential that have not yet been developed. I believe that investing into Canada’s fastest growing population would be the place to look. Aboriginal people of Canada account for a massive untapped source of potential wealth.

It is hard to start up a new business especially for a population that has limited access to capital and limited access to resources, but through investments there are also unique advantages for the start up of Aboriginal businesses. Tax exemptions could be used as an advantage for many businesses. A perfect example is the Park Royal Shopping Mall in North Vancouver.

Overall, starting up a business seems to be getting harder with the toxic economic conditions, but reducing some barriers and investing into untapped areas of wealth seems to be one way of improving economic conditions.

Story written by Ryan Crosschild


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