A Revolutionary Solution for Malnutrition


Malnutrition is a crippling problem to the vast majority of impoverished nations across the globe. These countries are unable to provide their people balanced, nutritional diets, which results in mass starvation and suffering. Dr. Stanley Zlotkin, a research scientist and professor, has developed a solution to this devastating issue. His product, called “Sprinkles”, is a small packet filled with powder that fortifies food with key nutrients to survival, such as iron. It is cheap to produce, at just $0.035 USD, which makes it accessible to a large portion of the population. “Sprinkles” also has a long shelf like, lasting two years, making it both easy to transport and easy to store.

Dr. Stanley Zlotkin is the perfect example of a social entrepreneur. He has identified a problem plaguing society, which in this case is malnutrition, and tackled it head on. He has created a sustainable business model for his idea, which allows his product to grow exponentially and make a large positive impact on society.

He has supplied 15 million children across the globe with these nutritional packets, and continues to grow his business even further. Unfortunately, there are still roughly 600-700 million starving children across the world. Hopefully his company continues to grow, and “Sprinkles” will be able to serve the nutritional needs of every starving child in the world, and the issue of malnutrition will be solved.

Image Source: http://bx.businessweek.com/social-entrepreneurship/view?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.socialenterprisebuzz.com%2F2012%2F10%2F17%2Fsprinkles-micronutrient-sachets-for-children%2F

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