Category Archives: Luiselli

Faces in the crowd, liars, legs, sense of belonging

Last book of the course 😀 (I wrote this before watching the video lecture)

First of all, I want to say that I enjoyed this book. It was a fun read but it took me about 30 pages to get used to the “jumping between stories” thing. My first impression was, “wow, this woman is making love with everyone, every day”. I read a bit more and realize that, she might be making love but there was no love. She gets lonely, so she gave her keys to many people. Yet she can’t handle it when they are actually visiting her. I thought, just maybe, she doesn’t know how to love. She often tells lies and loves to steal. I wouldn’t go as far to say she believes she doesn’t deserve love because she is a liar, but I think there is something about her own actions that bother her. It’s not guilt, though. It’s like she wants to belong to someone but couldn’t, then she found her husband but her husband doesn’t belong to her completely.

The beginning of the book mentioned young and slim legs a couple times, then there’s the bald guy who likes feet that appeared around page 70, page 98 when children clinged onto the woman’s legs, nothing much after that, page 143 cockroaches’ tiny feet going up and down the stairs, her legs becoming rigid from the scare. I anticipated more “legs” because it was (at least to me) emphasized at the beginning. I tried connecting the dots but nothing came up.

A hundred pages in I already mixed all the stories up. I don’t know what’s real and what’s from the book she was writing anymore. Did the author meant to do that or am I just stupid? We know the woman is a liar. Like Moby, who was supposed to be a made up character was inspired by someone by the name of Bobby. I think half of the notes printed in smaller fonts are made up.

There are two ghosts in this book: Owen the dead guy and Without. Just as I was at the peak of my confusion, blending imagination with reality, Owen became someone that can talk and he had acquaintance. An assistant perhaps. I have more time until class tomorrow, I might re-read the second half of the book… I really did enjoy this book, but it’s not good for leisure reading because once you lost focus you can’t get right back into it.

Last note, I guess my friend wasn’t lying when he said 75% of the artists who draw lewd stuff are women. They also have lewd stuff on their minds.

Question: How did you navigate between the stories within this story? I genuinely need help