Tag Archives: week 1

Week 1: Doing donuts in a snowy parking lot

I walked into Mathematics Annex, a building I never visit. The interior was gloomy with a mysterious vibe to it. I had little thoughts about this course. I thought it was a history course, but the first questions asked were about books; I don’t read books a lot. I read words a lot. I read words to pass time. It’s not a good habit. Over the last 5 years, I have read hundreds of “light novels”. They are shorter Japanese novels that’s written with (mainly) one goal in mind: to be picked up by some anime production company. Therefore, the target audience of LN are teens and young adults. After about 20 LNs, you can easily notice a pattern, a formula. They are very, and I mean VERY predictable. Why am I still reading them? When you find that one good book in a pile of bad ones, it’s just extremely rewarding. Anyway, I don’t recommend others to do the same, and I plan to read more “nutritious” books.

Let’s address the title. Snow fall! First snow! Of course, our government was unprepared, as usual. Not a single piece of snow salt was spotted on the main roads. All of last week everyone was anticipating snow fall soon. Today, I left UBC at 5pm, and got home around 730. My average speed was probably 2 km/h. Bicycles were zooming past my car in the snow. I listened to some Chet Baker but then decided I was not in the mood for that (sorry Chet). I had to reward myself for sitting through 2 hours of dreadful traffic, so I went to the nearby parking lot a did some donuts before going home.

I have always wanted to create a blog; I have a lot on my mind but nowhere to spit out. Hopefully, I can get used to the format of this course and take advantage of the opportunity to read more books!

Question: Do you like raw onions? I personally don’t unless it’s in a salad. Yes, it does provide some extra texture on a burger but it takes the spotlight away from the patty. Caramelized onion on the other hand, is a patty’s best friend.
