Linking 2

Linking 2 -Sarka Kubelikova Speculative Futures

Tracking and monitoring of students has the benefit of creating better assessment of needs, but Sarka’s future world seems to take this to a level that feels like our privacy has been invaded.  It is nice to picture education changing and improving thanks to technology but there is a fine line etween accepting certain losses in privacy and gaining information that we can use to make things better and more efficient. .  I chose a similiar path as Sarka and tried to build a sense of calm and control created by a higher power that claims to have our best interests at heart.  I used a video that could be used to sell any private school today. A calm voice, with a reassuring rhythm like the tides moving in and out. Sarka chose to use data mining of text messaging conversations to create a map that pinpoints crises before we even know they are happening. This tracking of social media is used today by countries like China that control their citizens movements by tracking purchases and social interaction.  Sarka mention how “algorithms would detect an outbreak, or specific cases of certain medical issues.”, but we all know that such information gets used for other purposes as well. I think Sarka did a great job focusing on the role of big data because the future is ripe for such scenarios.

Sarka’s second scenario matches up with my Pea Pod Learning model somewhat, but sticks to a less apocalyptic version of privacy invasion. Instead of monitoring students movement to track phys-ed marks, she uses eye movements to track and evaluate frustration levels in order to change up a lesson and individualized it to a students needs at any given moment. Understanding the power of big data in the classroom and how learning analytics and robotics will impact the future of education (Hariri, 2017) is of personal interest to me and Sarka has done a great job bringing some of the positive impacts to light.

I find the second scenario particularly fascinating with regards to the classroom and the adaptability of the teachers and the prioritizing of the students’ happiness are some of the values that “shape everyday behavior and interactions” (Dunne, et al, 2013, p. 74).


Hariri, Y. N. (2017). Reboot for the AI revolution. Nature International Weekly Journal of Science, 550(7676), 324-327.

Linking 1 <————> Linking 3