Linking 3

Linking 3

Emma Pindera

I thought about handwriting this entry as a nod to the original assignment, but inertia got the better of me. 

Emma P used a Harry Potter, Slytherin House journal to write a “reflect and plan during covid times” journal entry. The Harry Potter journal was what caused me to read her entry, but my favourite part was the link she added to a childhood journal from grade 5. I was teaching grade 5 when Emma was in grade 5 back in 2006. (ouch)

Emma is obviously a natural writer and enjoys the process. She is also a digital native who is comfortable using OneNote which allows her to write and add links to make her notebooks richer. As a non- digital native, I don’t have the same intuitive sense and only found OneNote during the Covid times we are in so I could collect and disseminate student work more easily.

Emma’s writing is clear and legible but obviously a process that she finds that writing online has a “permanence” that personal handwriting does not. I expect those who write letters who later get published may have entertained the idea that their words would be published and written certain things in anticipation of this. My handwriting is also permanent but secure. I don’t expect anyone to reach under my bed to find something to publish. Emma concludes by talking about the sentimentality of handwritten thoughts. I too have a hard time throwing away an old notebook that has reflections of a bygone era. Letters get saved while emails and digital images end up on lost hard drives. In the end it is the hand-written notes that become a snapshot of who we were and have lasting power.

Emma’s images were clear and easy to read. My only challenge was navigating back to them weeks later as she did not seem to have an easy table of contents at the top of each page. Maybe this was a nod to the written word;  challenging to reach but worth the effort.

Great job Emma!

Linking 2 <————————-> Linking 4