Linking 5

The Piglets are Loose!

This Twine tale does not need to lean on its “cute factor” to find its way into your heart. I will include a screen shot though just to make you want to go read it. The tale is about a group of piglets who found freedom by a mountain river and revelled in their moment like students who learn they have a supply teacher for the day. Kristen made the transition to farm life recently and I have tried to live vicariously through her tales during the coursework we have shared together. I think if she posted a weekly blog, she would have many followers like myself that feel the desire to move away from the rat race but not the ability to free themselves from the gravitational pull of the urban world. Inertia is a powerful force.

Kristen’s desire to do things well is clearly evident in her final product. She worked hard to add images while many of us gave up on this. With little or no coding background, she spent hours learning how to add these images to her Twine and make the experience more enjoyable. This also helped the reader to connect with the story. I worked hard to create a tale of two lovers in my Twine but images were a pipe dream by the time I had reached the day of submission. Where as I created a dual ending of sorts with my TWINE of break-up, Kristen followed a linear structure that took time to anthropomorphize the piglets and give them even more connection to the reader.

I think writing by hyper text allows the readers to take control of the story and Kristen’s ability to give readers this sense of freedom worked well. While the pigs coming home to their pen was inevitable, we all wanted to see them enjoy an afternoon splashing in the river. I always love a story with a happy ending and this story offers the reader the opportunity to feel like it is their own imagination taking them on an adventure when in fact it is Kristen leading them like her own piglets back to safety. Kristen’s clear structure on her blog site as a whole was also a sign of a person that appreciates good design and organization. 

Great Job Kristen!

Linking 4 <———————-> Linking 6