Task 11 – Math Obession

                                         My life in the math bubble

The most revealing thing about my post here is how much time I’m spending living inside a bubble of math chat. As both a teacher of summer school math and a tutor of math online the number of texts that I’m sending related to math topics has increased dramatically over the past six weeks. This seems to have had a huge impact on my preemptive text choices. This mirrors my inability to sleep well at night because I lay awake thinking about how to make grade 11 math more understandable for students. AI Has captured the moment in my life that doesn’t happen very often. This is the first time I’ve ever taught summer school and so for me this is an anomaly but obviously one that the texting gods recognize.
While I fear less the AI bots that challenge elections and change the way society thinks, my concerns were raised mainly by the social AI robot that was used to fill the gap when family were not able to take care of those in need. With Covid on right now this hit home and I do see a place for it however I also see a very dark spiral that could lead to humans Disconnecting from family because of other commitments and the fact that a social robot can fill the roll played by family interaction. I have no fear that bots will play a role in the end of the world. what I fear most is not being recognized or heard when I become the one who needs to be taken care of.