2 Thoughts.

    • Dear Lexie,
      I checked out your video, and it was absolutely amazing! I liked both form and content of it.
      First of all, YouTube?!!! I wouldn’t dare to post my vid there for sure. Very courageous of you, my fearless classmate! And of course I noticed your lovely and telling t-shirt! It suits you!
      Secondly, thank you for recommending TikTok; it’s actually wise to use the apps that are available. I just employed Zoom because I taught ESL with the help of it, but I should definitely broaden my horizons after your video.
      I think you were lucky to have this course at the end, Lexie. I’m in the middle of my MET road, and “Text Technologies” is the best that has happened to me so far. It is very modern, informative, and eye-opening. I wish there were more courses like this one. Whenever I did the practical part, I was like, “Constructivism, sweet constructivism!” I am really good with all those pedagogical theories, but I seldom enjoyed them as much as in this course.
      So, thank you very much for getting in touch, Lexie!
      I wish you all the best in your professional activities and life in general and remain,
      Sincerely yours,
      Anna from Toronto

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