Palladio Chart: First Glance

Well, looking at numbers assigned to the tracks, I can clearly see that no recording got just one fan – every composition chosen has at least two people who loved it. So, in a way, people of this group are adjacent, and there are ones between us as well as zeroes.
Also, surprisingly for me, all tracks from 1 to 27 are presented on the graph. I thought we would together skip a rhythm or two. Perhaps, this ratio – 22 group members vs 27 tracks – was against it. If there were 5 group members, some music would not be selected, I assume.
Among our group’s musical preferences, classic (old) music and most famous melodies of Western culture of the 20th century clearly dominate though our group members are not opposed to the folklore music.
These are my impressions at first glance. I am still struggling with the communities – I haven’t figured out yet what they are about, and what the criterion was used to create one. Need more time which I am lacking since the beginning of this fantastic course. Hope to edit this post for the better later. Thank you!

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