“Three ways to improve water, energy and food security”

by sabrinarai ~ October 27th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

It is estimated that by 2030 the world will need 40% more freshwater and 50% more food and energy. Not only is the demand accelerating due to the worlds rapidly expanding population, but also to climate change, increasing urbanisation and growing prosperity.

Many solutions have been created to help ease long-term problems. The WBCSD Water Project has been examining the impact and has three main areas of focus; increase planning and policy interaction, find new ways to boost resource efficiency while reducing wastes and also find new ways to effectively manage demand. By creating a complex challenge, hopefully there will be a one-size-fits all solution.

This article links to our Commerce class on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainability. We read an article on eco-advantage and had a guess speaker, James Tansey, come in and lead a discussion on these topics. We also had the chance to calculate how efficient we were on an everyday basis and see where we could improve. By 2030, hopefully the rocketing demand for life essentials can be met.


Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/three-ways-water-food-energy-security


Want to calculate your carbon footprint? http://go-beyond.ca/carbon-footprint-calculator

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