#1 Blog Comment (Kashmir Kaur)

by sabrinarai ~ October 18th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Kashmir has an interesting blog post about how prices for university education are increasing . I was watching the news and also heard something related to this topic. As each year passes, the number of students attending/applying for universities is increasing. Since universities are businesses, they are realizing that more students continue their education instead of working. As more and more jobs come unavailable, people realize how important an education is. An increase in pricing is a smart idea, but is unfortunate for those of us attending universities. Universities do not care about your education. They just want more and more students to spread the word so their population can increase. The number of students that are attending universities is increasing and UBC and SFU will need to do something about it. Working is not seen as a popular alternative any more. This article briefly shows the increase in tuition costs for each province.

You can view my comment on Kashmir’s blog here:


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