Sabrina Tang's Blog

Marketing is all around us :)

Creative Marketing

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We sure have learned a lot this year, from the fundamental blocks of marketing strategy – 1. the marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, and the many decisions and factors involved with each of these mix. 2. STP: From selecting our target market through various factors (geographic, demographic, company analysis and economy/environment analysis etc), deciding which segment is most attractive by analyzing it through whether they are identifiable, reachable, responsive, profitable, to determining which targeting strategy to use. Marketing is not as simple as I thought it would be there are a lot of decisions and thinking involved in order for a firm to be successful. Things like determining a company’s product mix, building their brand equity, managing their supply chain/distribution channel and many many more.

I have decided to end off my last blog with a little more fun – looking at innovative marketing advertisements. Promotion is a big part of marketing, and it’s all about getting the right message to your right audience through the right media. In order for an ad to be successful, we need to consider the emotional aspect associated with our consumers. The power for them to move towards actually purchasing the product involves first getting their attention, persuade them/arouse their interest, make them want and desire for this product so they would further make an action to go buy it. To achieve this, firms’ think of innovative ways to catch a consumer’s attention. Here are some ads that I found quite creative and different from others:

this ad allows you to physically plug in your earphones to listen to short clips of music

Written by sabrinatang

April 6th, 2011 at 11:06 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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