Jell-o: not so fun anymore?

Kraft Foods Group is currently facing problems with its brand, Jello, a gelatin dessert snack that has been declining in sales.

From what I see, Kraft has been unfocused in marketing and creating the brand image for Jello. When it first launched, Jello was positioned to be a fun dessert snack for families and kids. Over the years however, the image has diluted into adult-oriented snack, that focuses on alleviating stress and being a source of happiness.

The transition of the brand position however made Jello’s image unclear; creating confusion amongst customers of the product’s perception. This means that consumers cannot relate to the product as it fails to offer psychological satisfaction of being a product that fit the lifestyle and personality of the consumers.

Moreover, as the diet pattern changes, targeting adult is not the most profit-maximizing strategy anymore. Adults now are more aware of health risks of consuming sugary food products, therefore hurting the sales of Jello’s products that are relatively high-caloric.

To avoid any further sales decline and ensure future profitability, Jello needs to focus on transforming back its image to families-and-kids-oriented as these target markets are more ignorant on the caloric factor of food and beverages and only looking for the fun of it. Furthermore, the classic Jello gelatin product, while regarded as time-consuming for adults, it is likely to be popular amongst families and children who like to do family activities on weekends.

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